Frequently Asked Questions

Redeemer Presbyterian Church has been part of the fabric of the Upper East Side for more than three decades. We are thankful for the opportunity to deepen our roots in this neighborhood. Our vision is to create a home for a congregation — and to establish a place that serves the greater good of the entire community.

Q. Why did Redeemer East Side decide to build a new church on the Upper East Side?

While Redeemer has existed on the Upper East Side for more than 30 years, this is the first time we will have our own permanent space. After renting space during those many years, the church desired to purchase its own property as a long-term commitment to serve our church, our neighbors, and our city.

Q. Why did you select this location on East 91st Street?

We considered hundreds of different options on the Upper East Side over a span of over five years. After seriously pursuing 22 properties (including existing church buildings) we discovered the property on East 91st, which was available for sale. The East 91st location meets key criteria for our vision of a permanent facility, including a central location in the heart of the neighborhood; proximity to public transportation; and a design plan that allows us to maximize space to meet the needs of our congregation and be accessible to the entire community.

Q. Will the Redeemer UES be open for non-church gatherings? Will non-church members be able to access or utilize the common space?

Absolutely! Our plans include opening our space for the community to host cultural events, hold civic meetings, and more. We also intend to utilize the ground floor space as a “Commons” to welcome and serve our neighbors. Our doors will be open to all.

Q. How do I get in touch if I have a question or comment?

You can contact Liz Avanzato Cintron with questions or comments at [email protected]